The Crazy Tool 💚

Sensible Instruct

Tags: #Automation #Data Management #Natural Language Processing

Why to Use This AI Tool?

Sensible Instruct is a document understanding tool powered by GPT-4 that allows users to extract structured data from any document using natural language. It can parse a wide range of documents, from resumes and invoices to academic research and bank statements. The tool is customizable and can be combined with SenseML to build tailored configurations. Sensible Instruct is versatile and can extract data using three powerful primitives: Query, List, and Table. The tool is available for free during its initial phase and can be deployed as APIs or integrated with Zapier to automate workflows.

How to Visit This AI Tool Website?

How the AI tool Website Looks Like?

Sensible Instruct
This is a preview of the website Sensible Instruct

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